Irina Safonov

Interviewed by

Watch: Click on the above image to see the interview.

Irina’s Biography

“My name is Irina Safonov. I was born in the center of Russia, south of the Ural Mountains that divide Europe and Asia. When I was one year old, my family moved to the very east of Russia, the Sakha Republic, which is closer to Alaska than Moscow. I graduated high school there. Then I moved to St. Petersburg, where I studied civil engineering for almost six years. My family came to the United States at the end of 1996. I studied computer programming for nine months and got a computer programmer job in 1998. During that time, I met my husband and got married in 1999. I have three kids. When I had my second child, I realized I would like to be more involved in my kids’ growth and development, I wanted to spend more time with them. So I decided to quit my job. Since my native language is Russian, I was teaching it to my kids. In 2009, I got involved teaching Russian at the Educational Center. In 2015, I organized a Russian Immersion day camp, and in 2019, I together with two bright and energetic ladies founded Russian Camp MN. Since then, Russian Camp MN had more than 20 overnight and day sessions. I feel I am a happy person as besides my beloved husband and kids I have an exciting job which gives me joy, challenge, and satisfaction. I am very grateful to this country that gave me the opportunities and supported me in reaching my goals and making my dreams come true.”


Country of Origin


Year of Arrival


First Job

Deli Worker